Saturday, May 02, 2009

Another painting in progress

I like to keep a lot of paintings going at's a lot easier to make progress on multiple paintings in one session. Often I'll use one color as a main hue in one painting, but then add it as an accent color to another. I tend to stick to a specific range of I'm not a huge fan of ranges of pink. I guess I lean more towards the natural earth tones.

This painting is also a member of the Chubby series, which mean sthat it's based on a vintage photograph. The cool thing is that this actually a photo of my grandmother!

Here's the painting after one session:

I have a general wash of an orangey redish brown, and put in some highlights and shadows with a shade of purple. Not sure what the final color scheme is going to be.

Unfortunately, I can't find my reference photo on my computer which means my husband probably jumped on my computer for some reason and closed everything without saving. I'll have to rescan and post it when I can. Enjoy!


Erin said...

Julie, I just found your blog from your comment on my blog...I noticed that you had followed me, but couldn't find a link to your blog, so I didn't know if you even had one. Anyway, I've seen your work on Etsy and I really think you are so talented. And, yes, I live in Rhode Island! Small world, eh? I live in Warren, 20 minutes south of Providence. I may be in the Providence Art Festival on June 13th...don't know if I'm accepted yet...anyway. Love your blog!

Unknown said...

ill be doing the providence art festival too! see you there!