Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Painting in Progress: Mason Jar

oh hello there Mason Jar painting... did you think I forgot about you? Did you think you would get lost beneath all those three trees paintings I just varnished? Well, fear not! The past 2 days my husband has been off at a Neurological conference in Prague... which means less distractions for me!

I have been avoiding you though... so I'll apologize for that. But really, you're a glass jar for jeebus' sake... glass is hard to paint! last night as i was working on the Pilot painting... I had an open pallette and some wet paints and decided to give it another shot.

To be honest, I don't know why I continue to use my wall as a background...that yellowish gold greenish mustardy color is probably the hardest to get right. Sometimes I paint it too yellow, sometimes it comes out too green, too dark... it is not a very forgiving color. and to boot, i'm using a blue glass jar you can see through. i am a glutton for punishment.

here are the last 2 progress shots..the second one is the lastest. all i have to do now is get the shadow areas completed (easier said than done).


Unknown said...

oh yeah and i also have to get that metal loopy thing done too

Erin said...

Okay, so I don't know what you're talking about. Your glass jars are awesome...and I think it's worth the headache of getting the mustard yellow wall just right. It's a fabulous color! Talent talent!! I'll be looking for the finished painting on here!

Anonymous said...

Very good; almost like a photo!

T.L. Anderson said...

You are making me miss the farm I
grew up on with this one! Great job!
Take care,

Kerri Settle said...

Honestly I don't know many people that could pull that mustard color off but you really do, every time. It's looking awesome.