Thursday, November 12, 2009

do the TWIST!

I, along with the talented HeatherJeany, will be venturing off to the land of Northampton MA this weekend for the Twist show. I am OH SO excited!!! and nervous...always nervous. Did I pack everything? Did I bring enough stock? Am I going to to look cute enough at the Mike Doughty concert the day before? Oh the pressure!!!

All those super cool indie artists... I hope I fit in... or rather I hope I stand out! It's like the first day of school! Do I have enough #2 pencils?

Oh and don't forget to sign up for my mailing list by the end of the day on Sunday for your chance to win a free print!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Julie! Good luck this weekend. You will stand out heads and shoulders above the rest with your talent and creativity! Tell us all how it goes:)