Pale Earth was the first painting that really kick started what has become my evolving "style." I took about 3 years off from painting (and before that, paintings were uber lame. UBER lame!) And once I came back to it... I had switched to acrylics and somehow it just all made sense. It had a purpose, it told a story, it felt... "right." And I fell in love with painting all over again. If this painting came out horribly or didn't become what it was... there is a very good chance I'd still be painting lame sort-of human shaped things in weird abstracty environments that had a cheeseball factor of about 3 million.
So in honor of new beginnings, I wanted to do a giveaway with this print. You can win yourself one of the Limited Edition Pale Earth prints just by signing up for my newsletter. Everyone who is signed up for the newsletter by November 15th will be entered.
You can either sign up on the side bar here on the blog, or
go directly to HERE and sign up. You will receive an email confirming that you do, in fact, want to be on this mailing list. And once you confirm that fact... BINGO, you're entered.
On November 16th, I will sort the list alphabetically, and use a random number generator and pick a winter. Good Luck!
gotta love defining moments that shape your art :)
krystyna, did you have one of those moments as well?
I hope I'm a winter!!
I'm already a subscriber so here's hoping :) you already know I'm a fan of your work! Ahhh especially your Keys <3
just signed up -- love that painting -- horses are one of my totem animals...
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