Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Rough Start

I'm off to a rough start for 2010... but thats OK... whenever I take a break from painting, I come back rustier than ever. I've been distracted as we put our house on the market and things have been going crazy. SO that's my current excuse. However, friday i have myself scheduled for applying to 3 art shows... meaning I'll need to have INVENTORY for them!!

This painting was supposed to be a quick one. The quick ones never turn out to be quick ones. I would like to be able to bang out a couple paintings in a day at some point... but I get so stuck on details. Not very happy with how it's turning out but it only have 1.5 sessions into it.

The mug I am painting from (the perspective is off because of the angle i took the picture at):


Unknown said...

Peter Pots!

T.L. Anderson said...

Don't be so hard on yourself! It looks great!