Monday, August 30, 2010

Academy of Realist Art: Day 1

Wake up. Figure out what to wear (artsy? not too artsy?) Make some breakfast, don't drink too much coffee so I'm not going to the bathroom every 2 minutes. Pack up supplies into backpack. Grab giant drawing board... and head off to the Red Line for my first day of school in 8 years.


Right off the bat, everyone at the academy was warm and friendly and made me feel so welcome there. I was surrounded by some of the most talented people I've met in my life and they were so supportive the second I walked in the door.

I had class for 6 hours today (technically 2 classes... each "class" is a segment of 3 hours). I chose my first "Bargue" which is a drawing of a cast and I go through the different stages of drawing it. In 6 hours, I got through step 1. That's right. One step in 6 hours. I thought I was slow... but then they told me each bargue will probably take 100 hours each. So in relative terms, I did pretty well! I began Step two... and here is what it looks like right now:

Now you must be thinking... "WTF!! THAT took you 6 hours?!?!?" and my response is "YES ZOMG!" Yesterday was the first day of the rest of my life as an artist.... happy happy! :) SWEET BOTTOM!


Sharon said...

So awesome!

jen said...

I'm so behind with reading my usual blogs! Congrats on your new classes and know that I'm completely jealous!!!