Sunday, February 22, 2009

Progress Shots for This Bitter Long Day

I have a ton of progress shots ready...I will post them each in their own post.
This Bitter Long Day is now on session 4.

Session 3 Progress:

Session 4 Progress:

Working with acrylics requires a lot of layering. Using thinner washes of color allows me to play with the color more. A lot people say to me "what are you crazy? you painted over the whole thing, and then painted more, and then painted over it again!" I realize on photos and videos it looks drastic, but trust me...I'm not doing anything super crazy.

I mostly worked on the container the man is holding and his coat. I know what color I want the coat to be (see session 3) but I needed to get the texture in first.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My eyes hurt just thinking about it. I'd love to see you paint, in person, one day.